Due to the high pollution we have on our planet now, different diseases have developed, the number of animals in danger of destruction / extinction has increased and we are approaching to the total loss of our valuable things in nature which at the same time allow the precious life on our Earth.
Workshops and Courses for Recycling during Pandemic Seasons 2024
During this pandemic we can make the most of our time at home and we can help the world to improve environmentally with small actions, because no matter how small they can be, they can have great results and make the difference between a dead world with people who have no knowledge of a world or a world with full of life and conscious people.
So here we show you some Courses and Workshops that you can take at home and start making a difference. As a result of your small actions you can obtain many benefits in your life and in the conditions of your environment, but we will talk about this in a moment. Now let’s talk about the courses we have researched for you:
Associations that provide education, training and assessments for the care of the Earth’s health and empower people to take care of the world. Volunteering people are the key to caring for the health of the Earth or any condition that our world needs.
The courses teach everything about the preparation of reusable material. The student will learn to collect and classify reusable material and prepare it. You will learn how to collect, clean, and prepare, as well as how to safely dispose of dangerous materials.
In addition, the courses train and talk about the different groups of materials that could be recycled, so the student can tell or show the difference between recyclable and hazardous materials.
Benefits of Recycling and What is Recycling or Recycle?
Every year around 2.1 billion tons of garbage is produced in the world, which ends up in places where WASTE and garbage are dumped or directly in inhabited communities. According to the World Bank, if no action is taken, waste will increase to 3.4 billion tons by 2050.
Recycling is a process of eco-environmental change related to the surrounding conditions or the health of the Earth that uses physical-chemical or mechanical ways to make or transform things where the raw materials and waste that we use in our daily life (such as paper, glass, plastic, cardboard, aluminum, etc.), at the end of their useful life, they are transformed into new materials/things that can begin a new life cycle to use them by societies.
Recycling has its advantages and is essential for cleaning (in the community of people / all people in the world with good habits), it helps to combat global warming tha can make a planet free of pollution.
In addition, when recycling, the virgin raw material which is extracted, taken from something else or from its natural sources is replaced by raw material from previous consumption. This reduces waste, tear and pollution on nature, as well as prolonging the life of useful things and valuable supplies.
For example, paper represents 17% of garbage and recycling represents a large or huge large saving in the necessary investment required for its new production.
To produce new paper, it is necessary to locate or establish large trees with crops and process them to obtain the pulp that generates CO2, photosynthesis and other dangerous products.
In addition, recycling paper brings other types of benefits, such as school scholarships, and many countries giving this opportunity are: Germany, United States, China and at times, Mexico and India.
Alphapedia is a program that trains governments, companies and local groups, with different courses on recycling, these are:
1. Decomposition of garbage: This course is about the idea of how many times you could recycle your bottle of water and other materials that you never imagined could be recycled. It can change your opinion about your decisions regarding garbage, you will get a clearer picture if you start recycling your garbage.
2.- Recycling Economics: Here you will have so many ideas of how useful your garbage can be, if you start recycling your items and things.
3.- Operation and design of recycling facilities: Here they deal with the subject of garbage cans, garbage containers and how to install them as well as their functions in favor of the care of our environment.
Aprendizaje verde is a program made up of different organizations: Organization of the States of America, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Fundación Televisa and Young Americas Building Trust. All of them created “Aprendizaje verde” to teach all the children Recycling Courses and Workshops. If you have a child, family member, relative or nephew between 2 and 12 years old, this option is a must for you.
APRENDIZAJE VERDE trains you about the following courses:
2. Looking after our Water: While the time passes by, people do not care about water, so in this course they teach new generations how to take care of water efficiently, since it is a resource that is increasingly difficult to obtain.
3. Climate Change: Another important problem that the world is having is Climate Change. In these courses they teach how important this problem is, so their purpose is to teach children how to take care of the environment.
RUTGERS NEW JERSEY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION is a program that offers free courses to interested people on recycling or how to recycle things / materials. Their goal is to make significant changes and teach people about the problem of climate change. This program offers these different courses covering the topics mentioned above:
1. Compost or Composting and Good Soils: You will learn more about how you can take advantage of your organic and inorganic garbage, you will be surprised!.
2. Ethics on an Organization: It is an introductory and preparation course to enter social groups or communities that help the planet with the problems and troubles with the world pollution.
3. Neat Communities: Here you will find a list of communitieswho are concerned about ecological problems and they welcome you to contribute for making up a better environment, you can enter and register on its website.
Actividades de Cuidado del Medio Ambiente Para Niños. Todos los padres queremos dejar un mundo mejor para nuestros hijos. Si bien a veces parece que no tenemos mucho control sobre lo que sucede en la línea, una de las mejores maneras de asegurar que haya un planeta saludable es capacitar a nuestra comunidad infantil.
Contaminacion del agua aire y suelo en el mundo. Uno de los factores que agravan la contaminación del agua es el uso de combustibles fósiles para las embarcaciones. Conoce mas acerca de este terrible problema.
Leyes sobre la Contaminacion ambiental en México. Las legislaciones laxas, pero sobretodo los altos niveles de corrupción en México. Es lo que acentúa el problema de la contaminación del aire en la Ciudad de México.
Contaminacion del agua aire y suelo causas y efectos. Las zonas petroleras son un gran detonante de progreso. Sin embargo su efecto contaminante es alarmante. Descubre que es la contaminación del suelo.
Contaminacion ambiental agua aire suelo flora fauna. La producción alimentaria mundial se ha beneficiado de la eficacia de los pesticidas y fertilizantes. Sin embargo también, hay muchas zonas muertas debido al abuso de estos. Conoce que es la contaminación agrícola.
Contaminacion del agua aire suelo flora y fauna. Cuando existe un problema nuclear en algún lugar, se hace patente la peligrosidad de la contaminación radioactiva. Entérate en que consiste este tipo de contaminación.
Fuentes de Contaminacion del agua aire y suelo. Verter agua sin tratar por algunas fabricas pone en riesgo el medio ambiente. Conoce que es la contaminación térmica y como nos puede afectar.
Principales fuentes de Contaminacion del agua aire y suelo. El medio ambiente en el que vivimos cada día esta mas contaminado. La sobrepoblación mundial y la falta de conciencia nos esta dirigiendo al caos. Conoce que es la contaminación ambiental.
Quienes Somos
Joseman, oriundo del vibrante estado de Tabasco, México, ha dado un giro inspirador a su vida profesional y personal. Originalmente dedicado a la mercadotecnia y después a la imprenta, su camino tomó un vuelco cuando decidió enfocarse en el reciclaje y el marketing digital, motivado por los problemas de contaminación que observó en su región, especialmente los ocasionados por la empresa PEMEX. Leer masContenido
- 1 Workshops and Courses for Recycling during Pandemic Seasons 2024
- 1.2 Benefits of Recycling and What is Recycling or Recycle?
- 1.5.1 RUTGERS NEW JERSEY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION is a program that offers free courses to interested people on recycling or how to recycle things / materials. Their goal is to make significant changes and teach people about the problem of climate change. This program offers these different courses covering the topics mentioned above:
- 1.5.2 For further information related about what you just read, you can visit the following too:
- 1.6 Quienes Somos